на доступном языке

11:29 | 25-01-2010 | Cinematograph | 1 Comment

не долго думая, с утра пораньше отсмотрел “In The Loop” — что ж, разумеется, это комедия года. а минувшего или предстоящего… уже не столь неважно:

Simon Foster: Look, all sorts of things, that are actually very likely are also unforeseeable. For the plane in the fog, the mountain is un… unforeseeable, but then it is suddenly very real and inevitable.
Journalist: Is this your opinion or is this the government position?
Simon Foster: The mountain in the metaphor is a completely hypothetical mountain that could represent anything.
Journalist: So, who is the plane, and who is the mountain?
Another Journalist: Is the government lost in the fog?
Simon Foster: What I’m saying is… that to walk the road of peace… sometimes we need to be ready to climb… the mountain of conflict. Thank you so much.

многих, уверен, я знаю в лицо:

Karen Clarke: Are you still playing the hawk?
Simon Foster: Well, in… in a way I’m playing a much cleverer game than that… I’m a fake hawk.
Lt. Gen. George Miller: [pause] A what?
Simon Foster: …Fake hawk?
Lt. Gen. George Miller: [pause] You’re an idiot.

дальше буду смотреть “The Thick of It”, хоть он и не так мил.


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  1. […] политики. и теперь все мы знаем, что лицо это есть маска шута: Michael Rodgers: What do you want to refine? Jamie MacDonald: Just mess it up. Move the […]

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