
07:54 | 18-06-2010 | Cinematograph | 1 Comment

ну, и заодно Мартин Скорсезе о “Барри Линдоне”:

I’m not sure if I can say that I have a favourite Kubrick picture, but somehow I keep coming back to Barry Lyndon. I think that’s because it’s such a profoundly emotional experience. The emotion is conveyed through the movement of the camera, the slowness of the pace, the way the characters move in relation to their surroundings. People didn’t get it when it came out. Many still don’t. Basically, in one exquisitely beautiful image after another, you’re watching the progress of a man as he moves from the purest innocence to the coldest sophistication, ending in absolute bitterness – and it’s all a matter of simple, elemental survival. It’s a terrifying film because all the candlelit beauty is nothing but a veil over the worst cruelty. But it’s real cruelty, the kind you see every day in polite society.

там же и еще немного: o Кубрике вообще, о “Сиянии” и о “Цельнометаллической оболочке”. и Скорсезе, без сомнения, прав:

Artists like Kubrick have minds expansive and dynamic enough to picture the world in motion, to comprehend not just where its been, but where it’s going.


One Response to “сиять”

  1. […] еще немного: Kubrick vs. Scorsese, a tribute: Many friends after seeing my video […]

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