игра с ненулевой суммой

14:31 | 11-08-2010 | Literature | No Comments

хорошее интервью писателя-фантаста Теда Чана. например, вот так он пишет:

In general, if there’s an idea I’m interested in, I usually think about that for a long time and write down my speculations or just ideas about how it could become a story, but I don’t actually start writing the story itself until I know how the story ends. Typically the first part of the story that I write is the very ending, either the last paragraph of the story or a paragraph near the end. Once I have the destination in mind then I can build the rest of the story around that or build the rest of the story in such a way as to lead up to that. Usually the second thing I write is the opening of the story and then I write the rest of the story in almost random order. I just keep writing scenes until I’ve connected the beginning and the end. I write the key scenes or what I think of as the landmark scenes first, and then I just fill in backwards and forwards.

и пишет, в том числе, об этом:

Q: Many of your stories play with the implications of knowing the future. What fascinates you about the nature of Time?

A: The question of free will. <...> The idea that you can create a paradox assumes that you have free will; even the idea of multiple timelines assumes it, because it assumes that you can make choices. There have always been philosophical arguments about whether we have free will or not, but they’re usually kind of abstract. Time travel, or knowing the future, makes the question very concrete. If you know what’s going to happen, can you keep it from happening? Even when a story says that you can’t, the emotional impact arises from the feeling that you should be able to.

очень хороший и совершенно научный, несмотря ни на что — его знaменитые рассказы (12 рассказов, 16 наград) можно почитать здесь или здесь; рекоммендую (“Story of Your Life”, кстати, напрямую пересекается с уже упомянутым “Mr. Nobody”).


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