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12:50 | 08-09-2010 | Literature | No Comments

свежее интервью Уильяма Гибсона:

‘Reality is often best represented in exaggeration,’ says Gibson, ‘but one of my secret pleasures in writing these three books is that often the things the reader finds most contradictory and unlikely, and assumes I’ve had to go to lengths to make up, are real things. A lot of the things that seem exaggerated or parodic in Zero History are real.’

Gibson is aware the way his writing is scrutinised makes for a meta-narrative imposed on what he’s actually written. ‘When Pattern Recognition came out in 2003, some people were Googling every single term, and with Spook Country in 2007 there was this feeling about there being a hypertext cloud of invisible but present links around the text.

а заодно и несколько старых: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7.

плюс, интервью Филипа Рота, если кому-то интересно:

Tina Brown: You said in an interview that you don’t think novels are going to be read 25 years from now. Were you being provocative or do you believe that to be true?

Philip Roth: I was being optimistic about 25 years really. No, I think it’s going to be cultic. I think always people will be reading them, but it’ll be a small group of people—maybe more people than now read Latin poetry, but somewhere in that range.


I don’t think the Kindle will make any difference to what I’m talking about, which is that the book can’t compete with the screen. It couldn’t compete beginning with the movie screen. It couldn’t compete with the television screen and it can’t compete with the computer screen I don’t think. And now we have all those screens so against all those screens I think the book can’t measure up.

и так же разговор с Владимиром Сорокиным:

— Вы постоянно повторяете “русская жизнь, русская жизнь”. В чем она? В отсутствии вешек на заснеженной дороге?

— Это неучтенность человека. Если посмотреть на сталинские высотные здания — это вроде жилой дом. Но внешне ты понимаешь, что это некий государственный монумент, а человеческий размер не учтен. Россия — это громадная белая медведица, в шерсти которой обитает население. Она большую часть жизни спит, а потом просыпается и начинает чесаться. И это самое страшное время. И мы заложники этих размеров, пространств. Если вы поедете по Сибири на поезде, то увидите, что едете и едете, лес и лес — и никого. И эта человеческая потерянность и порождает эти образы.


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