красные листья

07:10 | 14-05-2011 | Animation, Art, Literature | 2 Comments

Шон Тан, детский автор и иллюстратор, великолепен без меры:

The [Red Tree] story is based on images inspired by the experience of depression. The main character is a lonely red-headed girl. The Red Tree follows the girl through her day; it states how she feels and depicts her dark, gloomy worries. Almost unnoticed in each picture is a small red leaf (symbolising hope). At the end of the story, the little girl stands smiling at a beautiful red-leafed[1] tree growing in her bedroom.

или, например, другая его книга, “The Lost Thing”, изданная на бумаге или на экране.

абсолютно прекрасный. так похожий на Сокаля в отдельных деталях, но гораздо, несоизмеримо теплее.

[1] — а вот вам иные “Красные листья”.


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