исчезающий вид

07:22 | 21-07-2011 | Economics, Technology | 1 Comment

Бордерс, сети книжных магазинов тоже больше не будет:

There will be no storybook ending for Borders. The 40-year-old book seller could start shuttering its 399 remaining stores as early as Friday.

The Ann Arbor, Mich.-based chain, which helped pioneer the big-box bookseller concept, is seeking court approval to sell off its assets after it failed to receive any bids that would keep it in business. The move adds Borders to the list of retailers that have failed to adapt to changing consumers’ shopping habits and survive the economic downturn, including Circuit City Stores Inc., Blockbuster and Linens ‘N Things.

книжные фетишисты должны быть в восторге:

“We were all working hard toward a different outcome, but the headwinds we have been facing for quite some time, including the rapidly changing book industry, e-reader revolution, and turbulent economy, have brought us to where we are now,” said Borders Group President Mike Edwards in a statement.

хотя там, в общем, давно уже было все совсем безнадежно.


One Response to “исчезающий вид”

  1. […] между тем, вот, пожалуйста, несколько самых очевидных способов улучшить работу книжных магазинов: […]

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