
10:37 | 05-09-2011 | Google, Software | 2 Comments

за отдыхом я умудрился пропустить невероятно смешное:

This morning, Baidu – at its annual Baidu World event in Beijing – launched its Android-based mobile OS, dubbed Baidu Yi (pictured above).

As it builds upon Google’s Android OS, it’ll have all the same core features, such as integrated voice search. But of course Baidu also has lots of its own apps ready for Baidu Yi – there’ll be Maps, Yue (a reader app), Shen Bian (like Google Places), and Ting (its music app).

прекрасно, мне кажется. великолепное доказательство всем этим разговорам про Android и неизбежную фрагментацию[1]. а так же первые уплывающие доллары:

To be an effective competitor to iOS and the iPhone phenomenon, Google had to make some important choices around Android’s business model. Emulating aspects of Microsoft’s Windows strategy, Google chose to focus on providing its mobile operating system to as many hardware vendors as possible. But unlike Microsoft, Google makes money off advertising, not software. Google didn’t have to rely on Android directly generating revenue; they just needed it to drive search traffic.

So Google decided to give Android away to anyone who wanted it <...>.


But Google might soon find the many third parties it has relied on to battle Apple have instead become a much greater threat than Apple ever was.

welcome to the real world.

[1] — к слову о фрагментации и соперничестве.


2 Responses to “собственноручно”

  1. […] « собственноручно […]

  2. […] значимость этого рынка, и отнюдь не собираются его — в очередной раз — упускать (вопрос, однако, насколько им это […]

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