снобам в лицо

20:58 | 22-11-2011 | Cinematograph | 1 Comment

Роман Полански о любимом фильме:

As a filmmaker who wants to show something interesting or new cinematically speaking, I made Cul-de-sac. But for those people who want to go to the cinema for two hours and have a good time, I made The Fearless Vampire Killers.

очень хороший[1], кстати, судя по-всему:

The film tells the story of the eccentric Professor Abronsius (Jack McGowran) and his young apprentice Alfred (Polanski) as they venture into Transylvania in search of vampires. They arrive at an isolated Jewish inn, where a hapless proprietor (Alfie Bass) has trouble keeping tabs on his beautiful daughter (Tate).

“In the film there’s an Eastern European culture which was desolated by the Germans and that’s been killed off for good thanks to Polish Stalinism,” Polanski told Positif. “It’s the kind of thing that you can see in the work of figures like Chagall and Isaac Babel, and also in certain Polish paintings. This culture, which never reappeared after the war, is part of my childhood memories. There just aren’t any traditional Jews in Poland any more.”

да, мне всегда нравились эти еврейские шалости. а посмотреть можно здесь.

[1] — есть и подходящие отзывы:

A reviewer for The New York Times said the film was, “as dismal and dead as a blood-drained corpse.” <...> Some viewers have protested that the film is not especially funny or scary.


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