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19:08 | 10-02-2012 | Hardware | No Comments

снова iPad в главной роли — еще несколько цитат:

Using the iPad as your primary machine[1] forces you to adjust the way you think about and prioritize what you’re doing. <...> For example, it made me concentrate on the tasks at hand, instead of being constantly distracted by Twitter, IM, or my RSS feed. But some tasks do occasionally get lost in the shuffle.

вообще, я склонен видеть iPad именно, как некоторый фильтр: мы слишком много делаем и производим лишнего. и дополнительные ограничения, как ничто другое, помогают это осознать.

но будет и награда:

I had a definite sense that this might be the future of working on a computer. I spent little if any time managing files[2] or saving my data (just as in Mac OS X Lion). And thanks to Dropbox and iCloud, I didn’t worry at all about lost data. That’s perhaps the biggest change in switching from a Mac to the iPad: The technology becomes almost transparent. You are simply writing, or reading, or browsing. It’s all about the task itself, while the technology you’re using fades into the background.

[1] — вот заодно хорошее о внешних клавиатурах:

Spend a couple hours—or heck, 20 minutes—with an iPad, and you’ll see pretty quickly that the idea of a touchscreen Mac doesn’t make much sense. Having to constantly raise your hands from the keyboard to interact with the screen just feels wrong. It’s not simply the unfamiliarity of it: The effort of lifting your arm—instead of, say, shifting it sideways to a mouse or trackpad—is significant.

[2] — я тоже не особо люблю файлы, это точно.


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