
19:35 | 07-03-2012 | Facebook, Google, Internet, Privacy | No Comments

немного об интернет-сервисах и частной жизни — просто чтобы не забывали:

Social networks encourage us to share every aspect of our lives with our friends, but, by providing that service, those networks see everything that we share, and use that information to categorise, profile and predict us. These services aren’t “free” – we pay for them with our personal data <...> we do not yet fully understand the power of the data we have shared [emphasis mine].

и не заблудились:

Google already presents us with search results that it believes we want and so hides from us views or opinions with which we may disagree.

и не удивлялись:

In 2001, a researcher presented the governor of Massachusetts with his personal medical records ‘reidentified’ from anonymously released data.

AOL released an anonymous search dataset in 2006. New York Times journalists identified one individual through name and location clues, revealing her entire search history.

In 2008, NetFlix released its user rating history. Researchers were able to link individuals to their ratings, revealing their history of movie watching for the past three years.


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