it was going to happen

06:52 | 10-06-2012 | Copyright, Culturology, Internet | 1 Comment

когда пару дней назад Тим Лоу, автор фильма “TimeScapes” обнаружил свое детище на The Pirate Bay, он лишь оставил там небольшой комментарий с просьбой к скачавшим рассмотреть возможность приобретения копии — если фильм вам в самом деле понравился.

то есть, по-моему, наконец-то здравая реакция. и вот, что он говорит об этом в интервью:

TechCrunch: What do you feel about piracy in general? Do you see it as a hindrance to art?

Tom: I just see piracy as a reality. I don’t really see it as good or bad. Artists need to accept that this is reality now, and adapt their business models around reality.


TechCrunch: If you were to sit down with a pirate right now, what would you tell him or her? How would you explain your position?

Tom: I can just look in the mirror and have that conversation. This will piss off some of my friends who are artists, but I download movies and music. Usually, if I like something, I will get on Amazon and send a copy to a friend or a girlfriend, or a family member. Do I always do that 100% of the time? No. But I do try to make a point of it.

очень хороший.


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