эволюция критериев

13:42 | 08-09-2012 | AI, Literature, Science | 1 Comment

жизнь или притворство? если вспомнить тест Тьюринга, не прийдем ли мы к выводу об очередной мимикрии?

In proposing the imitation game as a stand-in for another definition of thought or intelligence, Turing does more than deliver a clever logical flourish that helps him creatively answer a very old question about what makes someone (or something) capable of thought. In fact, he really skirts the question of intelligence entirely, replacing it with the outcomes of thought–in this case, the ability to perform “being human” as convincingly and interestingly as a real human. To be intelligent is to act like a human rather than to have a mind that operates like one. Or, even better, intelligence — whatever it is, the thing that goes on inside a human or a machine — is less interesting and productive a topic of conversation than the effects of such a process, the experience it creates in observers and interlocutors.

а потому вот, собственно, и логичное продолжение:

I’ve made one proposal for this new conjecture, a challenge that reflects the great advances since 1950 in computer science, neuroscience and the behavioral sciences as well as the highly networked ways in which ordinary people now use computers daily: Is it imaginable that a computer-agent team-member could behave, over the long-term and in uncertain, dynamic environments, in such a way that people on the team will not notice it is not human?

Unlike Turing’s original question, this question asks not that a computer agent be indistinguishable from a person, but that it behave reasonably, that its mistakes make sense and are not noticeably non-human.

как говорится, “on the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog”.

дочитываю “Anathem”, именно.


One Response to “эволюция критериев”

  1. […] вот и получилось: The Turing test might still be too hard for software to crack – but two programs have already aced video gaming’s answer to this famous evaluation of machine intelligence. […]

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