
13:36 | 07-11-2012 | Games | 1 Comment

да, игры тоже эволюционируют:

Curiosity, a free app that arrived on the App Store last night, is more of an experiment than a game. <...> it’s essentially a collaborative destruction engine, tasking thousands of users around the world with chipping away at a large virtual cube, in hopes of discovering what’s at its center.

That’s the whole game, really. When you log in (optionally with a Facebook account), you can tap away at various surfaces on the cube, and clear them out to earn coins. The coins let you buy various implements to destroy the cube with additional effectiveness. All 50,000 players (the total when I logged in to play) will continue to hack away at the cube’s many layers until its center revealed.

черный куб? хотя нет, очевидно же, что сразу вспоминается.


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