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05:40 | 17-11-2012 | Censorship, Politics | No Comments

оказывается, вчера Путин обвинил Pussy Riot еще и в анти-семитизме:

Mrs Merkel mentioned the feminist activists – jailed in August over their “punk prayer” in a Moscow cathedral – after she was urged by German MPs to confront the Kremlin over the erosion of democratic freedoms in Russia.

But Mr Putin struck back as the two leaders attended a bilateral forum, saying of Mrs Merkel: “Does she know that before that one of [the Pussy Riot activists] hung an effigy of a Jew and said that these people need to be got rid of.”

однако, все было не совсем так, как ему хотелось бы:

The “action”, involving actors rather than effigies, was intended as an ironic protest against homophobia, anti-semitism and anti-immigrant sentiment in Russia. Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, now 23, and Yekaterina Samutsevich, 30, two of the three members of the Pussy Riot group who were sentenced to two years in prison over the cathedral incident, both took part.

It was unclear if Mr Putin had been poorly informed by advisers about the true nature of the supermarket protest, or if he wilfully chose to misinterpret its meaning.

да нет, кристально ясно: Президент Российской Федерации — это обычная трусливая мразь.


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