
13:14 | 12-12-2012 | Art, Geography | 1 Comment

Эд Фэйрберн создает удивительнейшие портреты на фоне географических карт:

Each winding, converging, and diverging route also bears a striking resemblance to the veins and nerves that make up man. There is a connection between the Earth and mankind reflected in Fairburn’s map portraits that at first is a subtle realization, second to the stunning visual amalgamations.

или, как говорит он сам:

The work I produce is largely figurative, and through the exploration of the human form I examine the patterns and structures which exist across the body. Emphasis is placed on the ‘fragmented’ texture of the skin, a process which has encouraged my work to evolve from its occupation of plain paper to the potential occupation of other, pre-fragmented or pre-patterned surfaces.

все мы — со-плетенье дорог, так или иначе.


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