it is hard to trust Google

08:15 | 23-03-2013 | Google, Software | No Comments

Ом Малик про новое приложение от Google

Google today launched Keep, an app that allows you to save things, clip stuff from the web, hoard notes and what not and put them all onto your Google Drive. Yup, you guessed it — it is an imitation to Evernote and many other such applications. It is a good thing that Google has decided to compete with the likes of Evernote — it validates their market.

It might actually be good, or even better than Evernote. But I still won’t use Keep. You know why? Google Reader.

или, как метко заметил Джон Грубер:

Trust your thoughts and ideas to the makers of Google Reader. Good luck with that.

вот, посмотрите на расчет средней длительности жизни для таких Google-приложений. может все дело в том, что эти разработки не являются основными?

I said — nuanced as it might be — that I don’t trust Google to introduce new apps and keep them around, because despite what the company says, these apps are not their main business. Their main business is advertising and search — regardless of whatever nonsense you might read. They will sacrifice anything and everything to keep those businesses intact. Sure, they embraced mobile advertising and mobile search, but that’s just the same business on a different device.

I am far more likely to believe in and use products that are the main focus of the company behind them. Online storage? Dropbox. Time-shifting web content? Pocket or Instapaper. Short form communication? Twitter. Baby pictures and wedding photos to make single people miserable (or happy for being single)? Facebook.

The point is that a company whose main focus is a specific service or a singular product, like Evernote, is far more likely to focus its energies to build a business around it and keep it around. And if in seven years (or seven months) they fail — hell, at least they went down trying.

sounds solid.

избегайте пользоваться их решениями везде, где только можно[1]. потому что иначе завтра винить прийдется только себя.


  1. и, в общем, фрагментация Android и другие вытекающие отсюда проблемы — все это тоже, в известном смысле, звенья одной и той же цепи: you are not the customer, you are the product.  ↩


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