Archives for September 2013

mergers and acquisitions

3 September 2013 | Economics, Google, Hardware, Jurisprudence, Microsoft | No Comments

итак, давно ожидаемое случилось, Microsoft купил мобильный бизнес Nokia. как говорится, “if this isn’t commitment [to smartphones] not sure what is?” более того, проклинаемый годами Стивен Элоп[1] теперь, похоже, будет одним из основных претендетов на кресло Баллмера.

но вот, что так же бросается в глаза:

The deal structure is the opposite of the Google-Motorola deal: Google acquired Motorola, according to what it told the world at the time, primarily for its patent portfolio and was just required to take over the product business as well because Motorola’s then-CEO told Google that, stripped of its patents, the device business wouldn’t be able to defend itself against patent-wielding rivals. Google grossly overpaid for Motorola’s patents. It currently has only one enforceable patent injunction in place against Apple (in Germany) and none against Microsoft, and the one against Apple will be history long before the end of the year. By contrast, Microsoft merely licenses Nokia’s patents, but the remaining Nokia company, which will keep the HERE mapping and location software (of which Microsoft is expected to become a top three customer) and the NSN infrastructure business, will still own them.


8,500 design patents are indeed acquired, but not Nokia’s utility (technical) patents. Design patents are typically not licensed to third parties.


The fact that Microsoft would pay EUR 1.65 billion (almost $2.2 billion at the current exchange rate) for a 10-year license (including the option for a future extension) is a boost for Nokia’s patent monetization aspirations. And Nokia’s patent monetization — which I’ve been watching (particularly the related litigations) for some time now — will obviously continue. Other prospective licensees will deal with a company that is financially strengthened by this deal and can point to yet another “blue chip” licensee that has recognized the value of Nokia’s portfolio.

  1. могу лишь догадываться, что фанаты Nokia думают о нем сегодня.  ↩


run, Forest, run

2 September 2013 | Conspiracy, History | No Comments

еще одна случайная история:

Babushka Lady is a nickname for an unknown woman present during the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy who might have photographed the events that occurred in Dallas’ Dealey Plaza at the time President John F. Kennedy was shot. Her nickname arose from the headscarf she wore similar to scarves worn by elderly Russian women.

интересно, как же все <...>.


power station

1 September 2013 | Art, Personal | 1 Comment

помню, да, как первый раз оказался в Тейт Модерн — или, вернее, не помню почти ничего, а только Моне, Бэкона, Поллока и Ротко.

оглушенный, я ходил из одного зала в другой, уходя от этих четверых и снова возвращаясь. выходил из здания, смотрел на реку, пил что-то, окунался в шум моторов, топот школьных экскурсий, крики, смех, говор. потом снова возвращался. завтра тоже. и опять.

ни одна иллюстрация не передаст размах и силу, что была им — таким разным — дана. все меркнет.

и я возвращался. и садился на лавочку в зале. и смотрел.