zero history

17:41 | 09-10-2013 | Culturology, History, Internet | 1 Comment

Казис Варнялис уже не первый год читает в Колумбийском университете лекции, посвященные осознанию культуры новйших времен:

Culture in the Age of Networks historicizes the contemporary as a distinct sociocultural period. In contrast to specialized studies focusing on new media, this project aims to broadly understand contemporary culture as a synthetic historical narrative of a scope comparable to David Harvey’s The Condition of Postmodernity, Fredric Jameson’s Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, or Stephen Kern’s The Culture of Time and Space.

My thesis is that the network is not merely a technology but rather has served as a cultural dominant over the last fifteen years. Just as the machine made industrialization possible while acting as a metaphor for a rationalized, compartmentalized modern society and the programmable computer served the same role for the flexible socioeconomic milieu of postmodernity, today the network not only connects the world, it reconfigures economy, culture, even subjectivity.

силлабус абсолютно замечательный, и мне искренне жаль, что я (или хотя бы Coursera) не там.


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