back to the future

11:16 | 03-06-2014 | Apple | 1 Comment

Бен Брукс nails the thing:

The ability to start working on something on your iPhone, and pick up at that exact spot on your Mac, or iPad. Whether it be an email, or web browsing. To be able to accept, and place, phone calls and SMS messages from any of your devices.

This is going to be huge. This is about experience, and this is the intangible part of Apple that competitors and non-customers just cannot understand. Syncing files with Dropbox will be cute, in the way that syncing files with floppy disks once was, when this is fully realized — this kind of a shift towards device agnostic computing cannot be understated. The normal user won’t understand why everything doesn’t work this way.

и суть даже не в том, что было важнее, интереснее или привлекательнее на вчерашней презентации, нет. а дело именно в том, насколько в Apple умеют находить то, что элементано делает жизнь проще. и — Бен абсолютно прав — многие даже не поймут, насколько восхитителен результат.

как и всегда.


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