Archives for September 2009

о миролюбии

22 September 2009 | Culturology, Games | No Comments

а ведь один из двух лам, претендующих на главенство линии Карма Кагью, наверняка по вечерам играет в Doom:

[Q:] Is that why you play war games on your play station because many might say it’s inappropriate for a Buddhist monk dedicated to peace to play war games?

[A:] Well, I view video games as something of an emotional therapy, a mundane level of emotional therapy for me. <...>

So, for me sometimes it can be a relief, a kind of decompression to just play some video games. If I’m having some negative thoughts or negative feelings, video games are one way in which I can release that energy in the context of the illusion of the game. I feel better afterwards.

The aggression that comes out in the video game satiates whatever desire I might have to express that feeling. For me, that’s very skilful because when I do that I don’t have to go and hit anyone over the head.

замечательный. а вот и еще одна видеоигра, к слову.


на чужом горбе

21 September 2009 | Internet | 2 Comments

в Австралии, кстати (уже смешно, да?), решили так же запретить и подарки:

The Register has a story about ACMA’s decision to force Apple to withdraw their ITMS gift feature from Australia on the basis that MA+ (over 15 and maybe sex) rated movies could not be given to children using the gift cards. The films are also banned on the internet but not at local video/DVD stores.

а самое смешное, конечно, — это то, что речь идет про фильм “V for Vendetta”:

Valerie: I remember how the meaning of words began to change. How unfamiliar words like “collateral” and “rendition” became frightening, while things like Norsefire and the Articles of Allegiance became powerful. I remember how “different” became dangerous. I still don’t understand it, why they hate us so much.

удивительные идиоты.


слепки былого

21 September 2009 | Cryptography | No Comments

60 лет современной криптографии в картинках:

2009 marks 60 years since the advent of modern cryptography. It was back in October 1949 when mathematician Claude Shannon published a paper on Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems. According to his employer at the time, Bell Labs, the work transformed cryptography from an art to a science and is generally considered the foundation of modern cryptography.

иллюстрации дальше по ссылкеEnigma machine, The Codebreakers, и все-все-все. хорошие.


записать в словарик

20 September 2009 | AR | No Comments

@bruces начал перечислять терминологию и жаргон, которыми обрастает новая реальность:

“a graphic object displayed at some physical world location:” Augment, Arbject, Fobject, Overlay, Telepresence , PURL, Geovirtual

“a graphic object displayed at some physical world location:” sign, peg, airtag, GeoTag; Arcon; glyph, aumento, virject

RT @genebecker more jARgon: “eyepaper, pixies, floaters, auggies, sparm, pharts, aurora digitalis”

Even more #augmented jARgon: pin, phycon, phob, aubject, vizig, vircities, vobject, vob

заодно и посмотренный у него же свежий ролик от Nokia, который и вовсе смешивает все в одну кучу.


новости с полей

19 September 2009 | Copyright, Crime, Culturology, Internet, Software | No Comments

теперь уже и программы:

After an earlier decision failed to reach its objective, this week a Brazilian court made an unprecedented ruling against file-sharing clients. Following legal action by anti-piracy groups against a website offering a file-sharing client for download, the court decided that software which allows users to share music via P2P is illegal.

чем дальше, тем больше похоже на правду:

Do we really want to alienate a whole generation? Are there good reasons to?

доброе утро, sinners of internet.


my way

19 September 2009 | AR | No Comments

вот оно, программное обеспечение моего будущего телефона:

Avoidabot: Augmented Reality app that locates people you know and routes you around the annoying bastards.

а заодно и список прекрасный нашелся.


Radio Free Albemuth

18 September 2009 | Copyright, Music | 4 Comments

очередной зверинный оскал копирайта:

Songwriters, composers, and music publishers are making preparations to one day collect performance fees from Apple and other e-tailers for not just traditional music downloads but for downloads of films and TV shows as well. Those downloads contain music after all.

These groups even want compensation for iTunes’ 30-second song samples.

т.е., проблемы Apple Inc. меня, конечно, волнуют в последнюю очередь, но, как правильно заметил Джон Грубер, лиха беда начало:

This is about one step away from demanding money for when you have a song stuck in your head.

так что давно пора слушать только свободную музыку ( ее море прекрасной, да и не только там, без сомнения), а в остальное время исполнять классику самостоятельно.


время собирать

17 September 2009 | Crime, Ecology, Literature | No Comments

реальность, по обыкновению, страшнее любого вымысла:

A shipwreck apparently containing toxic waste is being investigated by authorities in Italy amid claims that it was deliberately sunk by the mafia.

одна могила за другой, так и живем в морге (Калабрия — это абсолютно сказочное место, к слову):

The ship’s location was revealed by Francesco Fonti, an ex-member of Calabria’s feared ‘Ndrangheta crime group, who confessed to using explosives to sink this vessel and two others.

[Silvestro] Greco (head of Calabria’s environment agency) said investigators believed there were 32 ships carrying toxic waste sunk by the mafia since the introduction of tighter environmental legislation in the 1980s made illegal waste disposal a lucrative business for crime groups.

“The Mediterranean is 0.7 percent of the world’s seas. If in this tiny portion there are more than 30 (toxic waste) shipwrecks, imagine what there could be elsewhere,” he said.

как знал, как знал.




17 September 2009 | AI | No Comments

вот, кстати, интервью Итамара Ареля:

Arel claims that AGI could be possible within 10 years if there were enough focus and funding on the problem. He also claims that the basic breakthroughs for AGI have already been made.



сам себе Гутенберг

17 September 2009 | Google, Hardware, Internet | No Comments

наконец-то виден следующий уровень книгоиздания:

Over the last seven years, Google has scanned millions of dusty tomes from deep in the stacks of the nation’s leading university libraries and turned them into searchable documents available anywhere in the world through its search box.

And now Google Book Search, in partnership with On Demand Books, is letting readers turn those digital copies (any one of the more than 2 million books old enough to fall out of copyright into the public domain) back into paper copies, individually printed by bookstores around the world.

давно пора перечитать. надеюсь, с иллюстрациями.