Archives for November 2009


23 November 2009 | Internet, Jurisprudence, Politics | No Comments

кстати, уже не только Финляндия, но и Испания тоже:

Spanish citizens will have a legal right from 2011 to be able to buy broadband internet of at least one megabyte per second at a regulated price wherever they live, the country’s industry minister said on Tuesday.

The telecoms operator holding the so-called “universal service” contract would have to guarantee it could offer “reasonably” priced broadband throughout Spain, said Miguel Sebastian in a statement sent to media.



в действии

23 November 2009 | AR | No Comments

кто-то наконец сравнил первых окрылившихся:

An anonymous reader points to this twopart review of several cell phone apps, in which the writer has “tested several mobile augmented reality browsers and their ability to find places to eat and function as a tourist guide by identifying tourist attractions in London,” writing, “This is the first review I have seen where all the browsers have been compared together; what’s interesting is all the browsers use different data sources, and so either miss popular locations or give the wrong location.”



22 November 2009 | Literature | No Comments

еще про научную фантастику:

Science fiction has long inspired real-world technology, but are the authors of sci-fi stories finally running out of steam? PC Pro has traced the history of sci-fi’s influence on real-world technology, from Jules Verne to Snow Crash, but suggests that writers have run out of ideas when it comes to inspiring tomorrow’s products. ‘Since Snow Crash, no novel has had quite the same impact on the computing world, and you might argue that sci-fi and hi-tech are drifting further apart,’ PC Pro claims.


I Can Has Brains?

21 November 2009 | AI | No Comments

уже скоро:

this week researchers from IBM Corp. are reporting that they’ve simulated a cat’s cerebral cortex, the thinking part of the brain, using a massive supercomputer. <...>

The scientists had previously simulated 40 percent of a mouse’s brain in 2006, a rat’s full brain in 2007, and 1 percent of a human’s cerebral cortex this year, using progressively bigger supercomputers.


на ладони

21 November 2009 | Software | 1 Comment

еще про хром:



21 November 2009 | Music | 2 Comments

в застывшем утреннем тумане одиночества жилого дома слушаем одну за другой кассеты Энно Велтхаса.

очень хороший:

Highly ambient synthesizer music. He is the son of the well-known children book author Max Velthuys. From what I remember when reading an interview with him, he said he had son which was a troublemaker and a psychiatric patient. I have no clue what Enno does these days.


тоже мост

21 November 2009 | Architecture, Literature | 1 Comment

определенно, я выискиваю параллели там, где их нет:

Its steel bones, its stranded tendons, were lost within an accretion of dreams: tattoo parlors, gaming arcades, dimly lit stalls stacked with decaying magazines, sellers of fireworks, of cut bait, betting shops, sushi bars, unlicensed pawnbrokers, herbalists, barbers, bars. Dreams of commerce, their locations generally corresponding with the decks that had once carried vehicular traffic; while above them, rising to the very peaks of the cable towers, lifted the intricately suspended barrio, with its unnumbered population and its zones of more private fantasy.

но удержаться тоже не могу:

Called Rotterdam Market Hall, the building will comprise 228 apartments forming a tunnel over the market hall, glazed at each end.

The market hall itself will house 100 market stalls, shops and restaurants.

уже писал о них, кстати


I’ll have her

20 November 2009 | Cinematograph, Literature | No Comments

восхитительная подборка у petro_gulakpetro_gulak:

I’ll marry Warwick’s youngest daughter.
What, though I kill’d her husband and his father?


захват территории

20 November 2009 | Internet, Lifeform | No Comments

в свете недавнего Тим О’Рейлли в очередной раз совершенно точно предсказывает неизбежное:

We’re heading into a war for control of the web. And in the end, it’s more than that, it’s a war against the web as an interoperable platform. Instead, we’re facing the prospect of Facebook as the platform, Apple as the platform, Google as the platform, Amazon as the platform, where big companies slug it out until one is king of the hill.

симптомы очевидны уже давно — так, например, в Apple пытались купить AdMob (тут же можно вспомнить небезызвестный патент), Google создал Wave, запустил Maps Navigation и представил Chrome OS, Amazon продолжает успешно развивать Web Services, и так далее, и так далее — перспективы кровосмешения завораживают.



19 November 2009 | AI, Lifeform, Literature | 1 Comment

как известно, Дмитрий Vladimirovich Набоков распродает то, что сохранилось после отца.

не то, чтобы меня это сильно волновало (теперь?), однако радует удивительная возможность посмотреть на обсуждаемые карточки в полный рост — идея со[ч|ед]инять именно так всегда казалась мне сверхудобной: воистину, “как причудливо тасуется колода”.

когда-нибудь, впрочем, мы дождемся иных высот, и подобные карты с сюжетами будут по мановению руки создавать и перетасовывать иные герои — ведь даже имена перекликаются, не правда ли?

изысканный мастер, то есть, двигался в естественном направлении. a переводное издание обещают к концу месяца.