падали яблоки

19:32 | 20-07-2010 | Literature, Science | 1 Comment

а гравитации-то больше нет:

Reversing the logic of 300 years of science, Erik Verlinde argued in a recent paper, titled “On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton,” that gravity is a consequence of the venerable laws of thermodynamics, which describe the behavior of heat and gases.


What is new, he said, is the idea that differences in entropy can be the driving mechanism behind gravity, that gravity is, as he puts it an “entropic force.”


Think of the universe as a box of scrabble letters. There is only one way to have the letters arranged to spell out the Gettysburg Address, but an astronomical number of ways to have them spell nonsense. Shake the box and it will tend toward nonsense, disorder will increase and information will be lost as the letters shuffle toward their most probable configurations. Could this be gravity?

кто-нибудь, скажите Пинчону!


One Response to “падали яблоки”

  1. s says:

    еще: http://ushastyi.livejournal.com/43505.html

    и Лейбниц в качестве противовеса: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Монадология

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