Archives for July 2010

утонувший крейсер

3 July 2010 | Architecture, Geography, Lifeform | 2 Comments

опять родимые пятна цивилизации:

Gunkanjima – every urban explorer’s dream. A deserted island of concrete ruins slowly crumbling away off the West coast of Japan.


Gunkanjima – literally ‘Battleship Island’ – is the nickname for Hashima Island, named so because it has an uncanny resemblance to a military warship. Once just a small reef, the discovery of coal in 1810 led to the installation of mining facilities and eventually gave rise to a population, all densely packed into a self-contained metropolis.

а дальше — все предсказуемо:

But by 1974, the dream was gone. Petroleum came in place of coal, the mines were shut down and the now jobless workers were forced to leave. In a matter of days the island was deserted – everything left exactly as it was, to slumber eternally in the same position like a broken clock face.

зато красивые фотографии.



3 July 2010 | AR | No Comments

еще одно предсказание сбылось:

“The leak in your home town” is an iPhone app that lets users see the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill whenever they see a BP logo. A user simply launches the app and aims their iPhone’s camera at the nearest BP logo. What the user sees is one of the broken BP pipes coming out of the BP logo, and out of the pipe comes the oil, pluming upward.

по ссылке от автора.


по следам

3 July 2010 | Copyright, Economics, Technology | 1 Comment

и в самом деле, сколько можно повторять:

Apparently nobody in the book business is aware of what happened to the music business over the last decade and they are determined to make all the same mistakes.


Making smart decisions about book publishing has the chance to make books more useful than every before. Unlike the music industry in 2002, book publishers should be focusing on their customers and how to make books better now.

там все по пунктам, четко и ясно.