Archives for July 2010

начало пути

13 July 2010 | Art, Literature | 7 Comments

а вот то, что вызвало Эдипины слезы:

In Mexico City they somehow wandered into an exhibition of paintings by the beautiful Spanish exile Remedies Varo: in the central painting of a triptych, titled “Bordando el Manto Terrestre,” were a number of frail girls with heart-shaped faces, huge eyes, spun-gold hair, prisoners in the top room of a circular tower, embroidering a kind of tapestry which spilled out the slit windows and into a void, seeking hopelessly to fill the void: for all the other buildings and creatures, all the waves, ships and forests of the earth were contained in this tapestry, and the tapestry was the world. Oedipa, perverse, had stood in front of the painting and cried. <...> She had looked down at her feet and known, then, because of a painting, that what she stood on had only been woven together a couple thousand miles away in her own tower, was only by accident known as Mexico, and so Pierce had taken her away from nothing, there’d been no escape. What did she so desire escape from? Such a captive maiden, having plenty of time to think, soon realizes that her tower, its height and architecture, are like her ego only incidental: that what really keeps her where she is is magic, anonymous and malignant, visited on her from outside and for no reason at all. <...> If the tower is everywhere and the knight of deliverance no proof against its magic, what else?

очень важная цитата, к слову сказать.


капали буквы

13 July 2010 | Cookery, Literature | No Comments

литературные коктейли:

In Thomas Pynchon’s newest novel [“Inherent Vice”[1]], the main character Doc Sportello, a Lebowski-esque private detective, frequents the Belaying Pin restaurant. Known for its devil-ray filet deep-fried in beer batter and house anchovy loaf, the waitress always recommends Tequila Zombies because, “You’ll want to be good and f**ked up by the time this [food] arrives.”

там же и знаменитый gin gimlet, так полюбившийся Рэймонду Чандлеру:

Raymond Chandler didn’t include the gimlet in his first draft of the novel [“The Long Goodbye”]. However, after a trip to London, he fell in love with the drink and wrote it in. The novel’s popularity caused the cocktail to blow up in the United States. Now it’s the drink most associated with this infamous alcoholic writer.

а так же mint julep:

While the mint julep is most often associated with Southern writers, like William Faulkner (bars would often let him make his own), the drink first gained national popularity after its inclusion in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s famous novel [“The Great Gatsby”].

хотя я, конечно, предпочитаю straight.

[1] — а электронной версии так и нет до сих пор.


все то, что ниже подбородка, — Рим

12 July 2010 | Internet, Lifeform | 1 Comment

читаю одновременно @KermlinRussia и @KremlinRussia — и разницы почти нет, если честно. плюс, @Николай II тоже хорошо смотрится в этой компании.

а вообще, конечно, надо еще цезарей. жаль только, что @королева-мать фактически больше не пишет, и в ленте поэтому теперь совсем уныло.


футбольная страна

12 July 2010 | Copyright, Geography | 2 Comments

в Бразилии, кстати, предложили убить DRM:

Brazil has proposed a broad update to its copyright law (Portuguese) and it contains a surprising idea: penalize anyone who “hinders or impedes” fair use rights or obstructs the use of work that has already fallen into the public domain.

A huge win for consumers? Sure, but it gets better. A moment’s thought reminds us that most DRM schemes will eventually run afoul the above provisions, since they apply in perpetuity. That DRMed music file will still be DRMed even after the song has fallen into the public domain.

So Brazil wants to ensure that DRM “has time-limited effects that correspond to the period of the economic rights over the work, performance, phonogram or broadcast.” Once copyright has expired, DRM should, too.

As if that’s not enough, Brazil says that DRM can be bypassed in order to make any “fair” use of the work or in cases where the copyright has expired but the DRM has not.

да и вообще там хорошо.



делай сам

9 July 2010 | Apple, Google, Software | No Comments

к слову о разработке для мобильных платформ — вот различия между подходами Apple и Google. комменты тоже хорошие.


Gmail, Mutt & GPG

7 July 2010 | HOWTO, Software | 4 Comments

всегда не хватало поддержки GPG в Gmail. ну, а поскольку обычный клиент повсюду с собой не возьмешь, то решил настроить Mutt[1] на удаленной машине — беглое описание инсталляции можно прочитать здесь, а исправленный конфиг взять тут — вот список дополнений[2]:

дальше остается запустить GPG и сгенерировать пару ключей. после чего указать ID публичного ключа в .muttrc, как показано выше, а затем сохранить ключи своих респондентов — и тогда наконец-то можно будет начать оживленную переписку.

[1] — всегда любил текстовые почтовые программы: здравствуй, FidoNet; приветствую тебя, UUCP.
[2] — рекоммендую так же заглянуть сюда и сюда.


бездумная пальба

6 July 2010 | Sport | 1 Comment

время меняет все, даже теннис:

As most tennis fans know well, the game of tennis, even on grass, has been transformed by technology in recent years, with a “power baseline” game becoming dominant. Players like Rafael Nadal wallop the ball from the baseline, hitting unreturnable shots (“winners”) from parts of the court where players like Connors, Ashe, Borg and McEnroe would never have imagined it possible.

отличная заметка, там же и фотоисследование.

что ж, и птицы нынче поют голосами телефонов — в самом деле, игра оскучнела, a я уже давно перестал следить за турнирами — разве что женские или медленный Roland Garros, с которым мы каждый год чуть-чуть не пересекаемся.



найти ошибку

6 July 2010 | Apple, Hardware | No Comments

все уже видели, конечно, замечательный ответ Apple на проблемы с качеством приема в их телефоне — отмечу просто для коллекции:

Upon investigation, we were stunned to find that the formula we use to calculate how many bars of signal strength to display is totally wrong.


We will issue a free software update within a few weeks that incorporates the corrected formula. Since this mistake has been present since the original iPhone, this software update will also be available for the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G.

иными словами, даже если у вас и в самом деле пропадает связь[1], то теперь вы больше не будете переживать из-за этого. напоминает известный анекдот, не правда ли?

ну да, заметка фальшивого зайца Стива была как раз об этом:

So some guy says his iPhone 4 is having reception issues. I say there is no reception issue. Now it’s his reality against my reality. Which one of us is living in the real reality?

There’s a two-part answer: 1, there is no real reality, and 2, it doesn’t matter.

The only thing that matters is which reality our customers will choose to adopt as their own.

Of course most people would rather live in a reality where everything works and there are no problems. And now, thanks to me, that reality exists. Because I’ve created that reality for them.


Which brings me back to iPhone 4 and the antenna issue. Right now you’re confused. You’re worried. You don’t know what to believe. You just wish someone would come along and tell you that everything is squared away and there’s nothing to worry about.

[1] — хотя все, кажется, не так и плохо.


какой же русский не любит быстрой езды

5 July 2010 | Geography, Lifeform, Literature | No Comments

цитата из книжки:

It is a Russian custom that no project should ever actually be completed.

и судя по рассказанному (1 + 2 + 3) — книжка замечательная.



4 July 2010 | History, Software | No Comments

читаю[1] дневники Николая II. что и говорить, деятельный был государь.

[1] — принцип работы подобного чтения напоминает мне ежедневные fortune.