Archives for March 2013

JPEG-esque appearance

16 March 2013 | Art | 1 Comment

еще один всплеск новой эстетики — на этот раз в мебельном деле:

A photograph of the wooden cabinet looks a bit like a still from a film from a bootleg cable box: The ornately carved flourishes, evocative of ancient Indonesian royal architecture, are interrupted in two separate places where the wood seemingly waivers like a digital glitch — and never corrects itself. Do not adjust your set; it’s happening in real life.


below and above

16 March 2013 | Literature, Media | No Comments

радио среди нас:

This Saturday, March 16, brings the debut of a much-anticipated BBC Radio 4 series adapted from the work of a British storyteller with inter-generational, international appeal, and a hybrid fantastical-realist sensibility all his own. The writer? Neil Gaiman. The drama? Neverwhere.


When Neverwhere begins, non-U.K. residents can listen on the BBC’s site here. At the moment, it offers a slew of preview clips to give you a flavor of just how Gaiman’s material sounds as interpreted by cast including James McAvoy, Natalie Dormer, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Christopher Lee.

буквально осенью все те же BBC Radio 4 читали роман Уильяма Гибсона, “Pattern Recognition”.


о противостоянии

16 March 2013 | Google, Internet, Software | 2 Comments

а вот и собственно данные:

According to data from the BuzzFeed Network, a set of tracked partner sites that collectively have over 300 million users, Google Reader is still a significant source of traffic for news — and a much larger one than Google+.

там же, по ссылке, два действительно уморительных графика.

добавлено: главный архитектор Google+, Йонатан Зангер, спрашивает, что именно нравилось пользователям в Google Reader. иными словами, в Google сперва приняли решение о закрытии сервиса, и только потом стали изучать рынок. очень напоминает ситуацию, когда левая рука не знает, что делает правая. и я бы даже сказал, что фрагментация, оказывается, — это чуть больше, нежели просто разброд в версиях Android; наоборот, it’s in their DNA.


spring cleaning

15 March 2013 | Google, Internet, Software | 5 Comments

или, как точно подметил один из slashdotters:

Step 1: Make a website that does something
Step 2: Integrate social media
Step 3: ???
Step 4: PROFIT!!!

I try to avoid companies that seem to have that plan[1].

и в самом деле пора настраивать личный почтовый сервер и воскрешать mutt.


  1. надо ли уточнять, что это автоматически вычеркивает большую часть web-сервисов — в том числе и те, что ныне массово претендуют на замену Google Reader.  ↩


that’s the innovation

14 March 2013 | Internet, Software | 1 Comment

quote of the day, — разумеется, о Google Reader:

It may suck in the interim before great alternatives mature and become widely supported, but in the long run, trust me: this is excellent news.

так и есть.



14 March 2013 | Culturology | 2 Comments

о, Wikipedia, любовь моя: List of fictional ducks.


за работой

13 March 2013 | Art, History, Photo | No Comments

Марк Ротко в студии.


baby & child care

12 March 2013 | History | No Comments

наша любимая блондинка:

When Marilyn Monroe died in August, 1962, she left behind a lot of broken hearts and some good books. Once married to playwright Arthur Miller, Monroe stocked about 400 books on her shelves, many of which were later catalogued and auctioned off by Christie’s in New York City. A quick scan of the titles in the auction catalogue reveals one thing: The image Monroe projected in her private life hardly squared with the “dumb blonde” character that made her famous. Over at LibraryThing, you can sort through 262 books in Monroe’s collection, which included no shortage of great literary works – everything from Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, to Ulysses by James Joyce, to Crime And Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky and The Plays Of Anton Chekhov. Woody Guthrie’s Bound For Glory, a work that inspired Bob Dylan and other troubadours, shared shelf space with <...> the heady texts of Freud, Proust and Bertrand Russell.

очень хорошая, очень:

Я скажу, что ты прекрасное дитя.


о березах

12 March 2013 | Culturology | No Comments

из интервью Бориса Лахмана, архитектора:

То, что вы меня нашли — это аут оф зе блю, смешно. Я обо всем этом совершенно уже не думаю. Ностальгия? Когда у меня наступает ностальгия, я ем черную икру.

и он, да, абсолютно прав.


the medium is the message

12 March 2013 | Art, Software | 3 Comments

один из создателей Etsy, Джаред Тарбелл, алгоритмический художник:

I write computer programs to create graphic images.

With an algorithmic goal in mind, I manipulate the work by finely crafting the semantics of each program. Specific results are pursued, although occasionally surprising discoveries are made.

I believe all code is dead unless executing within the computer. For this reason I distribute the source code of my programs in modifiable form. Modifications and extensions of these algorithms are encouraged.

в процессе создания используются Java, Processing, Adobe Flash. получается чудесно.
