Games Category Archives

о скуке

30 October 2011 | Games, Personal | No Comments

отлично подмечено:

Why I don’t play games on my iphone?


It all started when I read this Steve Jobs quote a while back:

I’m a big believer in boredom. Boredom allows one to indulge in curiosity and out of curiosity comes everything.

I know I am my most creative when I have time to just sit, be still and think. For me, iPhone games killed that time.

Boredom isn’t a bad thing. But strangling it with Angry Birds probably is.

ровно так все и есть. моей последней осознанной игрушкой был Quake III, да и то уже очень недолго. как сказал когда-то кто-то, зачем убивать время, если можно убить себя? вот и игры — ровно настолько же бессмысленны.


объяснять на пальцах

11 August 2011 | Games | No Comments

новая игровая платформа, you say? акселерометр и гироскоп? высочайшего уровня графика, huh?

а вот, пожалуйста, всему этому в ответ Frotz для iOS:

*Warning* Playing Frotz involves reading, thinking, and typing. If you just want to blow stuff up, this is not the app for you!

хорошие. надо бы попробовать.


leaving Las Vegas

3 August 2011 | Games, Technology | No Comments

все меняется, даже однорукие бандиты:

Last year I saw the arrival of the Ebay machines and those got me thinking about the other marketing possibilities. Worlds of Warcraft, Zappos and Super Poke Pet machines. However, tonight I saw the future of gaming. Stored value, episodic, choose your own adventure gaming. You choose an account and earn points. Points unlock other games you can play. The more you play, the cooler things you can do — all while losing *lots* of money. It is highly addictive and the first version I have seen of this is Star Trek. The seats have speakers built into them and they vibrate slightly when you hit a bonus round, causing your excitement level to skyrocket. Jsut think, they’ll be able to add smells and 3d holographic projections soon.

To make things even cooler, you can redeem points for actual physical Star Trek gear. I had to wait in line to play the game and it has been packed all day with every one of the four seats filled.


A few slot manufacturers are creating episodic slot machines with games like World of Warcraft or even Farmville. Players are recognized by their Total Rewards card, so when they achieve a certain level, then exit, they can come back and pick the game up where they left off. Games based on science fiction, like Star Wars or Lord of the Rings, have this episodic flavor. While the game has the same random monetary results of a slot machine, the context of the game advances like an online game. These use high-definition visuals, compelling audio, and multi-player schematics.


рассказы о приключениях

9 October 2010 | Amazon, Games, Software | No Comments

в былые текстовые аркады снова можно будет играть:

Many people cut their teeth on the imagination fueled text adventures games released by Infocom back in the eighties. Whispernet combined with the handy keyboard and the limiting browser made the Kindle perfect for a text-based adventures. We programmed an interface specifically for the Kindle that lets you play a handful of the Zork-like adventures that we spent many of hours of our youth. Save game is supported so you can come back at a later time without restarting. Let us know what you think and how we can improve it!

ого, какая характеристика:

And it makes a ridiculous amount of sense: text is gorgeous and easily-readable on the e-ink screens, the lack of colour isn’t a problem, and – let’s face it – the sort of people who are likely to buy an e-reader are exactly the sort of people who are likely to love vintage games.

что ж, получается, я знаю этих игроков.



12 April 2010 | Games | No Comments

закорючки превращаются в конструкции. so steampunkish.


о миролюбии

22 September 2009 | Culturology, Games | No Comments

а ведь один из двух лам, претендующих на главенство линии Карма Кагью, наверняка по вечерам играет в Doom:

[Q:] Is that why you play war games on your play station because many might say it’s inappropriate for a Buddhist monk dedicated to peace to play war games?

[A:] Well, I view video games as something of an emotional therapy, a mundane level of emotional therapy for me. <...>

So, for me sometimes it can be a relief, a kind of decompression to just play some video games. If I’m having some negative thoughts or negative feelings, video games are one way in which I can release that energy in the context of the illusion of the game. I feel better afterwards.

The aggression that comes out in the video game satiates whatever desire I might have to express that feeling. For me, that’s very skilful because when I do that I don’t have to go and hit anyone over the head.

замечательный. а вот и еще одна видеоигра, к слову.


дальше — больше

26 June 2009 | Games, Internet | 1 Comment

ну, и не только порнография, как и следовало ожидать:

The Australian Federal Communcations Ministry has confirmed that they intend to use the planned filter to block the download of games that have been refused classification by Australian classification authority.

вообще, доступ в интернет скоро будут выдавать по карточкам только после предоставления в Министерство правды необходимого (и весьма существенного) количества сопутствующих справок и разрешений.



17 February 2009 | Art, Games | No Comments

что может быт естественнее, чем соединять игрушки в произведения искусства — тут и концептуальные скульптуры, и минималистичные пейзажинатюрморты.

so cute.


детская площадка

19 December 2008 | Games, Politics, Sex | 1 Comment

периодически радуюсь игрушкам “под Lego” — то карманные террористы, то, пожалуйста, настольный концетрационный лагерь. лучше только хентай-статуэтки у tipharethМиши, мне кажется.


виды спорта

14 December 2008 | Games | No Comments

море футбольной радости — игра “Master Kick”. все руки не доходят поставить в гараж настоящую. да и пинбол заодно.