магия кино

18:46 | 13-11-2007 | Cinematograph, Science | 1 Comment

наконец-то еще раз посмотрел “Blue Velvet”, — наверное, мой самый нелюбимый фильм у Линча. не изменил своего мнения и сейчас. хотя, конечно, можно долго рассуждать.

зато выяснил, что за наркотик вдыхает герой Хоппера в фильме:

Throughout the film, Frank Booth uses a mask to breathe a gas from a tank. Lynch’s script specified helium, to raise Frank’s voice and have it resemble that of an infant. However, during filming, Hopper, an experienced drug user, claimed to have insight into Frank’s choice of drug and that helium was inappropriate:

“…I’m thankful to Dennis,” Lynch said, “because up until the last minute it was gonna be helium — to make the difference between ‘Daddy’ and the baby that much more. But I didn’t want it to be funny. So helium went out the window and became just a gas. Then, in the first rehearsal, Dennis said, ‘David, I know what’s in these different canisters.’ And I said, ‘Thank God, Dennis, that you know that!’ And he named all the gases.”

In The Mysteries of Love documentary on the DVD version of the film, Hopper claims that the drug was amyl nitrite.

а вот “Inland Empire”, кстати, я так пока и не видел.


One Response to “магия кино”

  1. […] раз посмотрел “Mulholland Drive”, — наверное, мой самый красивый фильм у Линча. и уж, конечно, самый эротичный […]

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