
08:39 | 22-02-2009 | Hardware, Lifeform | No Comments

следом за известными бестиариями прошлого Брюс Стерлинг завел “Книгу вымышленных приспособлений” — реестр наступившего будущего:

The “users” of imaginative gadgets are people trying hard to think about the nonexistent in an effective way. Not daydreamers, but true users of the imagination: creative people active within many fields. That’s “Speculative Culture.”

I believe that the Internet, by mashing-together so many inventive and forward-thinking disciplines, is enabling a “Speculative Culture.” I see a lot of this transpiring today. I seem to be doing more and more work in that arena myself — creative work quite hard to describe in terms from 20 years ago. If you are on this list, you may be involved in speculative-culture already.


I’m interested in gadgets that illuminate speculative thought. I’m especially looking for imaginary constructs at the edges of the thinkable. Mere “weirdness” is parochial. The “impossible” is trivial. I’m searching for gadgets that are mind-stretching — so as to explore the set of possible stretches. These are the “imaginary gadgets” that the imaginative can “use.”


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