на свои места

11:19 | 24-06-2009 | Literature | 1 Comment

пользователь catpadcatpad, оказывается, привел в порядок сюжетное безобразие романа “V.”.

и хоть я и сам когда-то с упоением выводил расчлененные схемы действа, пересекающие время романа, точно стремительный экспересс, но все же вот, что писал Сартр когда-то о “Шуме и ярости”:

The first thing that strikes one in reading The Sound and the Fury is its technical oddity. What has Faulkner broken up the time of his story and scrambled the pieces? Why is the first window that opens out on this fictional world the consciousness of an idiot? The reader is tempted to look for guide-marks and to re-establish the chronology for himself:

Jason and Caroline Compson have had three sons and a daughter. The daughter, Caddy, has given herself to Dalton Ames and become pregnant by him. Forced to get hold of a husband quickly…

Here the reader stops, for he realizes he is telling another story. Faulkner did not first conceive this orderly plot so as to shuffle it afterwards like a pack of cards; he could not tell it in any other way.


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