self-made man

10:45 | 28-02-2010 | Biology, Hardware, Lifeform | 1 Comment

Now, this I call enthusiasm:

I’ve made scalpel incisions in my hands, pushed five-millimeter diameter needles through my skin, and once used a vegetable knife to carve a cavity into the tip of my index finger. I’m an idiot, but I’m an idiot working in the name of progress: I’m Lepht Anonym, scrapheap transhumanist. I work with what I can get.

ну, а как еще улучшить это глупое тело, если не самому?

The implants sit in various places under my skin: middle fingertips of my left hand, back of the right hand, right forearm — tiny magnets, five or six millimeters across, coated in gold and then in silicon to isolate the delicate metal from the destructive environment of your body. They’re something of an investment at about thirty euros apiece, and hard to get hold of, but worth pursuing. When implanted, they become technological sensory organs.


You just need curiosity and the willingness to withstand some pain. Risk, not money, is our obstacle. Is it yours? Are you reading this magazine right now? Do you think like that? What could we achieve together?



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  1. […] вот еще про совершенствование тела: If you find yourself getting annoyed at the […]

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