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07:43 | 01-04-2010 | Censorship, Google, Internet | No Comments

Австралия, потрясая кулачками, требует от Гугла цензуры и покорности:

So when people say ’shouldn’t we just leave it up to the Googles of this world to determine what the filtering policy should be?’ – make no mistake, anybody who wants to go onto Google’s sites now and look up their filtering policy will actually find they filter more material and a broader range of topics than we are proposing to put forward.

I’ll back our Parliament to stand fast on these issues from Google.”

последние отвечают тем же:

Exposing politically controversial topics for public debate is vital for democracy.

Homosexuality was a crime in Australia until 1976 in ACT, until 1984 in NSW, and 1997 in Tasmania. Political and social norms change over time and benefit from intense public scrutiny and debate. The openness of the Internet makes this scrutiny and debate all the more possible, and should be protected. The Constitution of Australia does not protect freedom of expression (other than a limited guarantee for political discourse) and as a result Australia does not have developed case law about acceptable limits to freedom of expression. There is a significant risk that filtering applied today to RC content could readily be extended by future governments to other forms of expression, whether related to sexual content or violence or not.

и еще замечательное:

We have talked directly with parents around Australia and their strong view is that the Government’s proposal goes too far and would take away their freedom of choice around what information they and their children can access.

но мы помним и другое, разумеется.


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