
19:10 | 05-04-2010 | Apple, Hardware | 1 Comment

Джон Патрик, бывший вице-президент IBM вспоминает будущее:

When we introduced the ThinkPad in 1992 it seemed like a huge deal just to get everyone at IBM to agree with the name. No one, certainly not me as VP of marketing at the time, had any idea that more than 30 million ThinkPads would be sold. The iPad will surely sell multiple times that number but more important the iPad will change the model of personal computing — not immediately and not for everyone, but for many millions of people the PC will begin to look like a dinosaur.

что тут спорить, в общем-то. наоборот, украл цитату только чтобы поддержать разговор о начавшихся продажах.



One Response to “навсегда”

  1. […] и опять немного о продажах: The iPad 2 went on sale at 5:00 pm local time on Friday and by […]

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