citius, altius, fortius

13:56 | 09-10-2010 | Apple, Hardware | 1 Comment

мечтающих о миниатюризации ждет разачарование:

Analyst are predicting that Apple will begin work on its 7-inch iPad very soon. They are wrong.

The fact is, Apple already has a 7-inch iPad. They have had one of the smaller devices since they started making the 9.7-inch iPad that we have now.

To be clearer, the two devices were developed at the same time. They have pretty much the same specs, except, of course, the 9.7-inch model has a higher density screen than its smaller counterpart.

разумеется, звучит абсолютно логично. и дальше:

With other companies releasing their 7-inch tablets, you may wonder why Apple doesn’t push its device out the door. I think the answer to that is quite simple — they don’t have to release it.

The iPad is the one of the best selling devices in history. Why would Apple need to release a smaller version to compete in a market it owns. It doesn’t.

извечная дилемма, кстати, в равной мере касающаяся любых устройств: большие оттягивают карман и руки, однако просторные дисплеи удобны и естественны, а маленькие, напротив, с легкостью помещаются в джинсах, но разглядеть там ровным счетом ничего нельзя.


One Response to “citius, altius, fortius”

  1. […] еще о конкурентах: MacWorld: Can you comment on how you’re currently viewing the competitive tablet landscape?] […]

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