образ жизни

14:30 | 25-10-2010 | Economics, Literature, Politics | 1 Comment

отличное интервью великолепного Чайны Мьевилля. вот, между прочим:

Two things in particular persuaded me of Marxism’s validity. One was that this theoretical approach dovetailed perfectly with my pre-existing political instincts and commitments, and gave them more rigor. The other was that Marxism— historical materialism—was theoretically all-encompassing: it allowed me to understand the world in its totality without being dogmatic. I’d felt, for example, that while feminist theory might have an explanation of gender inequality, it didn’t have much to offer on, say, international exchange rates. Marxism was able to make sense of all the various social phenomena from a unified perspective.

что может оказаться более увлекательным для такого любителя “Барочного цикла”, как я?


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