они бы назвали вас пятой колонной

19:27 | 02-12-2010 | Internet, Jurisprudence, Lifeform, Politics | No Comments

что ж, времена и в самом деле меняются — и многие чувствуют, как порой уходит у них из-под ног земля:

I think although there is no outright conspiracy, what we do have is a conspiracy of sentiment. All those involved at various stages: politicians, the police, CPS, judges, media are all acting from the same unspoken emotional base. This can be summarised as: they hate you.

They hate that you undermine their carefully crafted messages and turn them into jokes. They hate that you are forming new methods of entertainment that they don’t understand. They hate that you can organise yourselves without them knowing about it. They hate that power has been democratised. They hate that you get at content for free. They hate it, hate it, hate it. So when the opportunity arises to stamp on one of you snivelling social media types, they grasp it with both hands.

казалось бы, при чем тут WikiLeaks.



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