quest for justice

15:54 | 14-12-2010 | Censorship, Lifeform, Politics | 4 Comments

хорошее интервью Евгения Морозова о WikiLeaks и непосредственно Джулиане Ассанже:

As far as I can understand Mr. Assange’s theory – and I don’t think that it’s terribly coherent or well thought-out– he believes that one way to achieve justice is to minimize the power of governments to do things that their citizens do not know of and may not approve of if they do.

так же, революция, говорит Морозов, на подходе:

What I think might happen is that WikiLeaks and Julian Assange in particular would emerge as leaders of a new political “geek” movement that would be built on the principles of absolute “Internet freedom,” transparency, very permissive copyright law, and so on. This movement has already been brewing globally – especially in Europe, where various local cells of the Pirate Party have proved remarkably strong. It’s quite possible that the “hunt for WikiLeaks” would further radicalize young people and make them join the fight for the “Free Internet,” however they choose to interpret.

вплоть до самых радикальных форм:

This may be wonderful news – especially if they renounce violence and start participating in mainstream politics instead, thus becoming something of a digital equivalent to the Green Movement in Europe. The other option, alas, is far less amenable: It’s possible that if Assange is really treated badly and unjustly by the authorities – and possibly even tried like a “terrorist” as some prominent US politicians have suggested – this would nudge the movement toward violent forms of resistance1.

ну, и вообще много интересного:

It’s inconceivable that on its one-year anniversary Hillary Clinton would be able to deliver a speech on Internet Freedom as pompous and starry-eyed as she did in January 2010. I never believed that Clinton actually very much pondered the implications and the assumptions implicit in her stance on “Internet freedom.” 2

1 — о, эти ласкающие слух звуки.
2 — прекрасная, к слову, была речь, прекрасная:

Now, in many respects, information has never been so free. There are more ways to spread more ideas to more people than at any moment in history. And even in authoritarian countries, information networks are helping people discover new facts and making governments more accountable.

During his visit to China in November, for example, President Obama held a town hall meeting with an online component to highlight the importance of the internet. In response to a question that was sent in over the internet, he defended the right of people to freely access information, and said that the more freely information flows, the stronger societies become. He spoke about how access to information helps citizens hold their own governments accountable, generates new ideas, encourages creativity and entrepreneurship.


4 Responses to “quest for justice”

  1. Mike says:

    Насчет “very permissive copyright law” очень хорошо пишет Лоуренс Лессиг в Свободной культуре ( А Ассанжа вполне возможно используют “втемную”. Просчитать ситуацию с Викиликс очень трудно, это под силу только подготовленным аналитикам либо AI. Но AI пока нет, или мы об этом просто не знаем. Трудно увидеть многоходовые комбинации вокруг муравейника, находясь в самом муравейнике. Фильм Хаос с навязшим в зубах Стэтхемом помните?

    • s says:

      очень хорошо пишет Лоуренс Лессиг в Свободной культуре (

      не читал; спасибо, посмотрю.

      А Ассанжа вполне возможно используют “втемную”.

      а какая разница?

  2. Mike says:

    Про “ласкающие звуки” и Resistance – и Вернор Виндж и Алексей Тручин ( очень убедительно доказывают, случись Сингулярность и никакого Resistance и в помине не будет 8((

  3. […] не стоит переоценивать значимость сетевых коммуникаций (ага) — вот они, факты: Egypt appears […]

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