vanity fair

13:58 | 05-01-2011 | Design, Lifeform, Literature | No Comments

восьмилетнего Бэкхема-среднего обозначили 26-ым в списке 50 самых стильных мужчин Великобритании (сам Дэвид на 16-ом месте) по версии журнала CQ, и в связи с этим тут же на глаза попалась замечательная статья:

Now, aside from the fact that teaching children to love high fashion is like teaching them to love snobbery, deception, or self-obsession, the appearance of Little Beckham at No 26 leaves a nasty taste, even more so than the spectre of David Cameron preening in a tie, as if he had nothing better to do than get dressed and be applauded for it. It is not because using a boy to sell textiles – itself a child-exploiting business and the very reason for the existence of the glossy magazine – is repulsive. Nor is it because the men featured are not particularly stylish but merely well-moneyed and well-known, so even as a fashion experiment it is nonsense: the elite smiling at the elite in a pond of linen.

What grates is the attempt to offer Romeo up as a sacrifice on the altar of his parents’ vanity.

и ведь это уже не просто отдельные фрагменты, но совершенно другая жизнь, иное мировозрение:

The News of the World once famously claimed that she and her eldest son Brooklyn had been the subject of a kidnap plot. “It’s like I’m a machine,” she wrote, “just checking windows, waiting for the crash of glass, waiting for men to come crashing through windows with guns, in masks, come to take Brooklyn [her oldest son], the chosen one, NOBODY TOUCH THE BABY.”

прекрасная “Гламорама” Брэта Истона Эллиса, умноженная на “Трилогию моста” Уильяма Гибсона, — вот, это и есть давно предсказанное сегодня.


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