
09:08 | 10-02-2011 | Apple, Google, Hardware | 1 Comment

ну вот, HP тоже в игре:

On Wednesday at an event in San Francisco, HP revealed its oft-rumored and highly anticipated WebOS tablet, the HP TouchPad.

HP will pit the TouchPad against the iPad and Android tablets. WebOS was previously seen in the Palm Pre Plus smartphone and will be featured in the new Palm Veer and Palm Pre 3.

The tablet will make use of Palm’s latest version of the OS, WebOS 2.1. The device has a 9.7-inch capacitive touch screen, weighs 1.6 pounds, and is 13.7 millimeters thick. It includes 16GB or 32GB of storage, a dual-core 1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon CPU, a gyroscope, and an accelerometer.

естественно, продажи начнуться только летом (sic!), и цена пока неизвестна (все уже привыкли к подобным анонсам, да?), но выглядит все равно заманчиво:

The software looks impressive: tasteful and well-designed, with a gesture-based interaction model. Way more appealing, and more cohesive, than what we’ve seen of Motorola’s Android-based Xoom.

да и задержку, по сути, можно понять:

<...> I’m trying to see things HP’s way. Presumably, they’re working on this as fast as they can. If they can’t ship for another six months, they can’t ship for another six months. I can see why maybe they’d want to announce it now, though. The next six months are going to set the foundation for the future of personal computing:

  • The iPad is a huge hit for Apple, and they seem on the cusp of releasing the second-generation iPad models.
  • Android 3.0 is optimized for tablets, and actual shipping hardware is, apparently, coming very soon.
  • The RIM Playbook looks genuinely interesting, and, supposedly, is coming soon-ish.

The post-PC era has started.

что, в свою очередь, подводит к следующему вопросу: а что же Microsoft?

It’s a blow for Microsoft to have its largest customer — and the world’s largest PC maker — reject Windows for its new push into the fast-growing mobile-device business.

да, в общем-то, и не один HP[1] — тут и Dell, и Samsung (несмотря на все проблемы), и Google, и все остальные:

We could have four competing tablet platforms six months from now — iOS, Android, WebOS, and Playbook — and not one of them is from Microsoft.

что ж, новые рынки, очевидно, Microsoft не интересуют. но вот как бы и старые заодно не потерять:

Hewlett Packard had a historic day today. First it announced several new devices and then dropped a bomb: it plans to integrate WebOS into its printers, PCs, and notebooks, giving it one universal platform for all its devices.

не пора ли проснуться?

[1] — обратите внимание, кстати, на доминирующий в последнее время размер — это именно 10”.


One Response to “догонялки”

  1. […] тем временем появился очередной планшет, Motorola Xoom. забавно, вообще, насколько сырыми и непродуманными выглядят эти торопливые гонки: очеивидно, что никакой концепции за продуктом нет, а лишь неумное желание догнать уходящий поезд. […]

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