piracy is the new advertisement

18:56 | 12-02-2011 | Copyright, Internet | 3 Comments

Нил Гейман тоже, оказывется, видит в “пиратстве” развитие:

Nobody who would have bought your book is not buying it because they can find it for free. What you’re actually doing is advertising. You’re reaching more people. You’re raising awareness.

так оно и есть, конечно, авторы один за другим говорят об этом не переставая.

он, впрочем, бьет в точку он и дальше:

<...> the biggest thing the web is doing alowing people to hear things, allowing people to read things, allowing people to see things that they’ve never otherwise seen.


3 Responses to “piracy is the new advertisement”

  1. […] ярче ее удивительнейшая ограниченность в сравнении с современным авторами: Nobody who would have bought your book is not buying it because they can find it for free. What […]

  2. […] piracy is the new advertisement. […]

  3. […] прочим, даже Борис Акунин неожиданно понял, за что платит […]

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