о криптозоологии

17:36 | 04-04-2011 | Art, Humour, Literature | 5 Comments

к слову о носорогах — вот совершенно прекрасный.

а книга и в самом деле удивительнейшая — словно на бесконечном обеденном столе, в ней есть все:

The Cardinal feeds his guests with caramelised sheep’s feet, sparrow beaks ground to powder and rats roasted in honey and nutmeg. Cows’ eyes shiver in jelly. Lizards fried in cinnamon fill a tureen and black broth foams in its pot at the table’s end. Cardinal Medici presides above a banquet of cavaliers and idiots. Bad poets declaim and bad singers croon. There are clowns. The waiting brings them out, draws them to him: misshapen men, clots, and vainglorious fools. He smiles, chuckles, claps, weeps with laughter, howls with mirth; he loves them, he absolutely loves them. Hunchbacks and maniacs turn cartwheels gown his hall with his hiccups, farts, and gulps the air as though he might eat the merriment within it. It is a hunger he never satisfies. He watches the stomachs of his guests swell and sometimes burst with his spicy curiosities. Rivers of wine disappear down their gullets and their buffoonery is a playground of polity for him to practise lunges and feints, quick jabs and stabs to the back. The body of the Borgia blackens and swells in the pestilential airs of Rome while his Cardinal passes dishes of beech leaves pickled in wine, ginger concoctions, and pigeons’ feet in aniseed.


5 Responses to “о криптозоологии”

  1. […] компанию к одиссее за носорогом замечательно подходит книга “Хроника открытия и […]

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