
09:28 | 16-08-2011 | Economics, Google | 2 Comments

Санджей Джа, глава Motorola Mobility, июнь 2011:

I expect consolidation to occur. Our customers are consolidating, and our supply base is also consolidating. But my view is that consolidation occurs in some interesting ways. I’m not convinced that handset manufacturers acquiring other manufacturers is the best way for value to be created for shareholders. Consolidation across content manufacturers and hardware and software manufacturers — I see a bunch of different ways for this consolidation to occur, to create shareholder value and create different structures to the industry. You’ve already seen the acquisition of Palm by HP, a very interesting acquisition that brought software and hardware assets together. The relationship between Microsoft and Nokia also speaks to that. Do we expect Motorola to be an independent company? I don’t know yet. I hope very much that we are.

затем небольшой троллинг на тему патентных отчислений со стороны других Андроидо-производителей, отказ в лицензировании, подмигивания в сторону Windows Phone OS — и вот, пожалуйста, Google отдает за Motorola Mobility практически весь свой доход за последние два полных года, знатно переплачивая при этом.

hey, Motorola, that was lovely.


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