ghosts in the shell

15:48 | 27-02-2012 | AI, Amazon, Lifeform | 4 Comments

у нас появляются соседи:

Before I talk about my own troubles, let me tell you about another book, “Computer Game Bot Turing Test”. It’s one of over 100,000 “books” “written” by a Markov chain running over random Wikipedia articles, bundled up and sold online for a ridiculous price. The publisher, Betascript, is notorious for this kind of thing.

It gets better. There are whole species of other bots that infest the Amazon Marketplace, pretending to have used copies of books, fighting epic price wars no one ever sees. So with “Turing Test” we have a delightful futuristic absurdity: a computer program, pretending to be human, hawking a book about computers pretending to be human, while other computer programs pretend to have used copies of it. A book that was never actually written, much less printed and read.

как говорится, не могу не вспомнить:

“The last seven, eight years, there’s been funny stuff out there, out on the console cowboy circuit. The new jockeys, they make deals with things, don’t they, Lucas?”


“Thrones and dominions,” the Finn said obscurely. “Yeah, there’s things out there. Ghosts, voices Why not? Oceans had mermaids, all that shit, and we had a sea of silicon, see? Sure, it’s just a tailored hallucination we all agreed to have, cyberspace, but anybody who jacks in knows, fucking knows it’s a whole universe. And every year it gets a little more crowded.”

они рядом. дышат нам в затылок.


4 Responses to “ghosts in the shell”

  1. […] « ghosts in the shell […]

  2. […] предположить, кто на самом деле автор этих книг — возможно, еще не сегодня, но завтра-то уж […]

  3. […] что же мешает завтра им самим писать те романы, что вы обязательно купите? уж только не […]

  4. […] вот, пожалуйста: A pair of artist-coders have unleashed a small army of bots designed to flood the Kindle e-book store with texts comprised entirely of YouTube comments. According to the artists, even they have no idea how many books their autonomous bots are posting to the store. […]

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