
22:20 | 29-08-2012 | Amazon, Apple, Google, Hardware | 1 Comment

любители Android, кстати, распродают свои чудесные аппараты Samsung, точно горящие пирожки:

Since the $1.05 billion verdict Friday — which found that Samsung infringed on six Apple patents — customers of Samsung have been dumping their Android products on at least one major resale site. Gazelle.com reports a 50% increase in Samsung smartphones over the past three days, which has led to a 10% drop in prices for those devices. “Consumers seem to be jumping ship,” says Anthony Scarsella, chief gadget officer at Gazelle.com. “We expect this trend to continue, especially with this latest verdict.”

не отстает и сам Google: из-за всех сил рекламирует многострадальный Nexus 7 на самой дорогостоящей площадке, на собственной заглавной странице[1]. оно и верно, разумеется, ведь на подходе обновленный Kindle Fire и — кто знает? — iPad Mini; кому тогда будет до очередных воспоминаний?

умора, в общем.

[1] — Marissa Mayer, Google Vice President of Search Product and User Experience; December, 2005:

There will be no banner ads on the Google homepage or web search results pages. There will not be crazy, flashy, graphical doodads flying and popping up all over the Google site. Ever.


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