
15:02 | 19-10-2012 | Design, Lifeform, Software | 1 Comment

чудесная Оля Лялина о будущих системах:

Computers are getting invisible. They shrink and hide. They lurk under the skin and dissolve in the cloud. We observe the process like an eclipse of the sun, partly scared, partly overwhelmed. We divide into camps and fight about advantages and dangers of The Ubiquitous. But whatever side we take — we do acknowledge the significance of the moment.

With the disappearance of the computer, something else is silently becoming invisible as well — the User. Users are disappearing as both phenomena and term, and this development is either unnoticed or accepted as progress — an evolutionary step.

все так и есть:

Invisible computers, or more accurately the illusion of the computerless, is destroyed if we continue to talk about “user interfaces”. This is why Interface Design starts to rename itself to Experience Design — whose primary goal is to make users forget that computers and interfaces exist. With Experience Design there is only you and your emotions to feel, goals to achieve, tasks to complete.

The field is abbreviated as UXD, where X is for eXperience and U is still for the Users. Wikipedia says Don Norman coined the term UX in 1995. However, in 2012 UX designers avoid to use the U-word in papers and conference announcements, in order not to remind themselves about all those clumsy buttons and input devices of the past. Users were for the interfaces. Experiences, they are for the PEOPLE!

меня постоянно занимает этот вопрос, как же так вышло, что управляем данными мы отнюдь не самым удачным набором инструментов. клавиши? мышка? звучит, по меньшей мере, абсурдно — если только загвоздка не где-то еще. что определяет интерфейс, чем он продиктован? возможны ли совершенные интерфейсы? реализуемы ли абсолютные взаимодействия? и как станем изменяться мы сами?


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  1. […] кстати, история: среди моих знакомых и друзей с удивительной […]

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