sharks vs. blood

13:08 | 13-03-2014 | Cinematograph, Television | 3 Comments

the second season of “House of Cards” is even more entertaining than the first one. brighter? indeed, it is. tougher? as a two-dollar steak, they say. ruthless? the manner death can be. even more real? in a sense — even though they’ve skipped quite a bit of our nowadays issues (like Wikileaks or NSA), and the only, well, real thing shown was Tor (dear me).

still, I love this touch of truth from behind the scenes. enjoy watching that filth of manipulations I do despise so much. and the constant fight for pork. like a zoo, one may say, a cabinet of curiosities. or, rather, a parade of instincts. which are beautiful simply because of their perfection:

For those of us climbing to the top of the food chain, there can be no mercy. There is but one rule: hunt or be hunted.

on the other hand (or, actually, recalling my impressions from another evening), “American Hustle” seems to be directed by a man who admires Martin Scorsese to a sickening degree too much. and therefore I can only note that Sam Rothstein in “Casino” had a way larger wardrobe.


3 Responses to “sharks vs. blood”

  1. […] другой стороны, первый (и закономерно последний) сезон […]

  2. […] все таки “House of Cards” был, может, слишком ироничен — вспомним оригинал, в […]

  3. […] что было хорошего в Андервудах — инстинкты! the perfections are sharpened — все кануло в лету на фоне унылых […]

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