Architecture Category Archives

самое сложное

18 September 2011 | Architecture, Design | No Comments

читаю про Людвига Мис ван дер Роэ — именно ему принадлежит столь любимое мной высказывание:

God is in the details.

так что можете себе представить, зачитываюсь. он же, кстати, автор и другой известной цитаты:

A chair is a very difficult object. A skyscraper is almost easier.

ну да, во-первых, ему, разумеется, видней. а во-вторых… во-вторых эта фраза определяет самое главное, что есть для меня в дизайне: бесконечную продуманность, возведенную в степень абсолютного удобства.


dancing about architecture

29 July 2011 | Architecture, Art, Literature | No Comments

а вот, смотрите, преображаемая реальность:

First, we identify a suitable building: Something that appears neglected, and seems to have no immediate prospects for a future use. In short, we choose an unpopular place. Next we devise a hypothetical future for that structure. Specifically, we strive to make this future blatantly implausible: maybe provocative, maybe funny; above all engaging. Then an artist creates a rendering based on the imaginary concept. This is printed onto a 3′ x 5′ sign, modeled on those used by real developers. That sign, finally, goes onto the building.

там же попутно и другие параллели, немного истории:

Definitions of the term [architecture fiction] seem to vary, but the coinage belongs to Bruce Sterling. He introduced it in 2006, after reading an imaginative and insightful essay by J.G. Ballard, published in The Guardian, about modernist architecture[1]. “Now there’s some top-end sci-fi architecture criticism,” Sterling observed, adding this thought: “It’s entirely possible to write ‘architecture fiction‘ instead of ‘science fiction.’ Like, say, Archigram did in the 60s.”

и современности:

If Archigram is the core historical reference point for the idea of architecture fiction, then the core contemporary reference point, and resource, is BLDG BLOG, the popular website run by Geoff Manaugh, a writer and teacher based in Los Angeles. Mark Dery has called him “the acknowledged auteur of architecture fiction,” adding: “On BLDG BLOG, Manaugh reads our built — and unbuilt — environments like a cultural radiologist, scanning them for evidence of social pathologies, symptoms of the post-apocalyptic.”


[1] — и эссе Балларда тоже, конечно, замечательное.


фанерный танк

27 June 2011 | Architecture, Copyright, Lifeform | 1 Comment

китайцы, между прочим, собираются украсть целую деревню:

Residents of the Austrian mountain town of Hallstatt, population 800, are scandalized. A Chinese firm has plans to replicate the village — including its famous lake — in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong, Austrian media reported this week.

да и что там деревня, в конце концов:

This isn’t the first time a Chinese firm has used a European place as inspiration. The Chinese city of Anting, some 30 kilometers from Shanghai, created a district designed to accommodate 20,000 residents called “German Town Anting.” Modelled after a typical mid-size German city by architecture firm Albert Speer & Partner, it includes Bauhaus style architecture and a fountain with statues of Goethe and Schiller.

In 2005 Chengdu British Town was modelled on the English town of Dorchester. One year later Thames Town was finished near Shanghai, complete with a 66-meter tall church that bears a striking resemblance to a cathedral in Bristol. Also near Shanghai are mini versions of Barcelona, Venice and the Scandinavian-inspired Nordic Town. The architectural plagiarisms are popular destinations among middle-class Chinese, even serving as backdrops for wedding photos.

и как тут без копирайта, можно спросить? а легко:

While a 1:1 copy may not be entirely legal, the building of structures based off of photographs is, says UNESCO.

кстати, недавно Китай так же выкупил у США кусочек земли размером в 50 квадратных миль и собираются теперь построить там городок. а что мелочиться, я думаю? давайте сразу копию Белого дома. и небольшого азиатского Барака Обаму во дворе с ромашками.


под прицелом

9 March 2011 | Architecture | No Comments

а вот еще современная археология. каменные отражения наших усталых душ.


нарушу договор

14 February 2011 | Architecture, Personal | No Comments

хотя чаще всего хочется жить только вот так.




7 February 2011 | Architecture, Photo | No Comments

тем временем Шард Лондон Бридж возносится и дальше к небу:

Shard 2012 is an online exhibition of ‘future photography’ of the Shard exploring some of the vantage points from where the Shard might be photographed in 2012 when it is completed.

словно гигантское насекомое — расправляет перед полетом крылья.



настольная архитектура

3 January 2011 | Architecture, Art | No Comments

из скрепок тоже можно построить город:

Stacks of staples were broken into varying sizes from full stacks about 12cm high down to single staples. These stacks were then stood up and arranged over a period of 40 hours.

иногда кажется, что кроме серого бетона нас больше ничего не окружает. но это не так. Бог — он в мелочах.


в духе традиций

17 December 2010 | Architecture, Lifeform | 1 Comment

еще руины — заброшенная Британия на этот раз.


родина слонов

4 December 2010 | Architecture | 4 Comments

еще к Москве невоплощеннойкиевские трансформеры.


городская рыбная ловля

30 November 2010 | Architecture, Lifeform | 1 Comment

очередная реинкарнация знаменитых гибсоновских проектов:

The entire tower is inspired by the creation of energy.


Much of the tower is open to the public to view the processes at close quarters. Even from the lifts, the daily state of vegetable husbandry will be visible. A variety of different arrangements of plantation and localized environment are distributed over its length. The principal purpose of the tower is to CREATE ALGAE.

When watered and filtered the algae create BIOMASS used as food for fish and plants and for making paper and BIOFUEL for powering engines. This process takes CO2 (a known hazard in Taiwan) out of the environment.


The structure is a series of steel lattices that wind around the steel elevator cores. The droplets are steel cages with membrane skinning. There are 3 observation levels:

  • TOP OBSERVATION LEVEL : overlooks the mountains
  • MID OBSERVATION LEVEL : contains areas of hydroponic vegetation growth : enabling PUBLIC VIEWING of plants and processes
  • LOWER OBSERVATION LEVELS : contain aviaries and aquaria.

прекрасные. как и было сказано:

But you can still get you some damned good shrimp in the Projects… Catfish, too.