быть вместе

11:26 | 16-04-2010 | Cinematograph, Literature, Personal | 2 Comments

т.е., да, это был еще один тематичeский просмотр. вначале показушный “Gothic”, затем удушливо-пафосный “Remando al viento”, потом гендерный “Impromptu”, и, наконец, под занавес истеричный “Total Eclipse”.

но все равно, речь сейчас даже не о кинематографических достоинствах (и оных здесь на четверых немного), а о том, как неимоверно растет волшебная сила делания в сообществе тех, кто тебя понимает.

Нил Стивенсон, кстати, удивительно кратко и насыщенно описал подобное сотрудничество в “Cryptonomicon”:

Alan climbs back onto his bicycle and they ride into the woods for some distance without any more talking. Actually, they have not been talking so much as mentioning certain ideas and then leaving the other to work through the implications. This is a highly efficient way to communicate; it eliminates much of the redundancy that Alan was complaining about in the case of FDR and Churchill.

а несколько раньше — замечательной метафорой в “Diamod Age”:

When he finally reached the grand chamber, he could not really tell whether it was reality or another machine-made hallucination. It was shaped like a flattened ice-cream cone, a domed ceiling above a gently sloping conical floor. The ceiling was a vast mediatron, and the floor served as an amphitheatre. Hackworth spilled into the room abruptly as the drumming reached a crescendo. The floor was slick, and he slid down helplessly until he reached the central pit. He rolled onto his back and saw a fiery scene sprawling across the dome above, and in his peripheral vision, covering the floor of the theatre, a thousand living constellations pounding on the floor with their hands.

мне их так не хватает, этих живых созвездий.


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