о созвездиях

15:01 | 17-07-2012 | Lifeform, Literature | No Comments

чудесную, похоже, книжку написал Адам Робертс о новых армиях — тут и “Конец детства” Артура Кларка, и “Мир на Земле” Станислава Лема, и даже “Алмазный Век” Нила Стивенсона:

New Model Army presents us with a question: What happens when human beings, not just slime molds or ants, submit themselves to collective will and become part of an immense shared intelligence? If complex behavior can simply “emerge” through the simple decisions of simple creatures, what might happen if much more complex creatures become absorbed into a collectivity?

ожидаемый поиск, не правда ли?

What if this is the Singularity? Not simply our machines becoming smarter than we are, but the machines we use to communicate with one another enabling our own translation to a supposedly “higher” sphere of being? What if the “posthuman” isn’t being a cyborg but instead being a cell in a giant’s body, helping to enable a vast consciousness that you’re never aware of and that is never aware of you? What if the price exacted by the Singularity is the elimination of human individuality altogether?

именно так я и думаю.


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