
17:28 | 11-02-2011 | Apple, Hardware, Software | No Comments

замечательные ответ-вопрос-ответ к разговору о, возможно, новой игровой приставке Apple TV:

<...> given that AppleTV is an iOS device, there are already a plethora of games and lifestyle apps that can probably run today with little or no modification.

Little modification? It has completely different input devices.

So what is the input device for AppleTV with games, because I am sure that it isn’t available yet. My iPad controls AppleTV using the Apple Remote app, and that works well. Why can’t the same be done for other apps? Imagine this: I launch a game from Apple Remote, and my iPad is now the controller, the AppleTV is the display. As far as the app is concerned, it is receiving the same input as it would expect when running on and iPad. This is the beauty of a well defined API. And Apple certainly has one.

не без ньюансов, разумеется (как то: иной подход к управлению в мобильном игоровом комплексе, необходимость координации управления и отображаемой информации, итд), и вряд ли будет реализованно именно так, но сама преемственность, все равно, завораживает (да и других контроллеров там хватает).


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