destroying a computer with any amount of police firepower will accomplish zilch

12:28 | 12-06-2011 | Economics, Internet, Privacy | 2 Comments

замечательнейшая экономическая модель наконец-то в действии:

Neal Stephenson’s “The Diamond Age” was set some years after encrypted currencies and e-commerce removed most economic transactions into darknets beyond the government’s capability of monitoring and regulating, and thus caused tax bases around the world to implode. This was followed, in short order, by the collapse of most nation-states. In the ensuing Interregnum, the defunct nation-states were replaced by city-states and by networked global civil societies called “phyles.” The major phyles leased enclaves in most major city-states around the world, much as the Venetian merchant guilds leased “Venetian quarters” in the major port cities of the Mediterranean.

Membership in the phyles was voluntary, and the provision of the kinds of public services and social safety nets formerly associated with states was generally tied to voluntary membership subscriptions of some sort. This is, incidentally, the model of service-provision in some unions like the Screen Actors’ Guild. Unemployment benefits and health insurance are covered by a sliding scale premium, paid as a percentage of income when a member is working.

This has been promoted as a real-world model for darknet economies and resilient communities, in the impending age of hollow states, by such thinkers as Daniel de Ugarte and John Robb.

So you can imagine my reaction to Bitcoin, the “Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.”

и дальше вдохновенное:

Say hello to household micro-bakeries using ordinary kitchen ovens, home-based cab services using the family car, household daycare and beauty salons, raw milk and meat from animals without RFID chips, etc. — all bartering with each other and with those above-mentioned garage manufacturers in an encrypted darknet economy. And all while the state, aka the executive committee of the ruling class, blindly gropes in the dark to prevent it.

так тому и быть.

добавлено: реакция не заставляет себя ждать:

Not satisfied with eliminating digital piracy from the world, two U.S. senators want to crack down on Bitcoin, an open-source digital currency.

осталось только еще немного — и мы узнем, что Bitcoin замешаны в распространении детской порнографии.


2 Responses to “destroying a computer with any amount of police firepower will accomplish zilch”

  1. […] получается, следуюший роман Уильям Гибсон должен обязательно написать про биткойны. […]

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